

Innovation is the main source of development, the Technology R&D Center of our group has been honored as "Mechanical Engineering Technology R&D Center of Shandong Province", with departments for: supports, scraper conveyors, belt conveyors, shearers, coal washing, construction materials machinery, industrial chains, transmissions, engineered cylinders, etc. and has 299 professional technicians working for them, among which are 22 senior engineers, 37 engineers, 4 experts with doctoral degrees, 12 experts with masters degrees, etc. It has also worked as a study and research base for colleges and universities.

All R&D centershave adopted CAD-modular design, dynamic-analysis of 3D solid-modeling and finiteelement analysis of the key components, stress tested by using strain gauges on key components and other advanced means, all of which meetsthe requirements of product design and also guarantees the performance and reliability of our final products.

CopyRight © All Rights Reserved:SHANDONG MINING MACHINERY GROUP CO.,LTD ADD:Kuangji Industrial Park,Changle Country industrial Developmental Zone,Shandong Province TEL:+86-536-6228254 E-mail:sdclkj@vip.163.com

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