

Shandong Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1955 and at present has 13 subsidiaries. Our company owns a total of RMB 2.7 billion in assets, covering an area of 67 hectares and employs 2000 employee. Our group was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Dec. 17, 2010 (stock code: SZ002526). As one of the most important machinery manufacturers in China, our group is leading the way in the industry in both market share and technical fieldtechnological innovation. Our main products are fully-mechanic equipment for coal mining, coal washing, mine safety, brick-making, postpress packaging , and unmanned aviation.
Our group is ISO9001:2008 certified, and has been honoured as "High-tech Enterprise of China". 
We are always complying with the philosophy: “honesty and trustworthiness; a priority on the customer’s needs; innovation leadership, and an emphasis on quality”. We are willing to cooperate with our domestic customers and those abroad.

CopyRight © All Rights Reserved:SHANDONG MINING MACHINERY GROUP CO.,LTD ADD:Kuangji Industrial Park,Changle Country industrial Developmental Zone,Shandong Province TEL:+86-536-6228254 E-mail:sdclkj@vip.163.com

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